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  • November Featured Garden

November Featured Garden

  • Sun, November 25, 2012
  • 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Escondido
  • 0


  • Guests must be SDHS members or pay $10 at the door. Registration not accepted until 30 days before the event.

Registration is closed



November Featured Garden

This month's Featured Garden is Cathy Carey's garden and artist studio near Lake Hodges in Escondido


Visit: Cathy's Website


The garden has 360 degree view of Lake Hodges and the surrounding area. The garden is packed with every specimen of succulent Cathy can find. After a visit to Monet's garden in Giverny, France, Cathy modeled the beds and paths in a similar way.  The garden style is that of a painter with plants, using textures and colors in combination to create garden scenery. The affect is similar to an English cottage garden, without formal structure, but using a pallette of drought tolerant plants, succulents, cacti and lots of palms. 

At the top garden is a glass house Cathy uses as artist studio for creating her paintings. Cathy's paintings will be on display. 

New this year is the wine bottle garden that curves around the grapevine covered view patio. There is a waterfall that connects the first level to the top, in this slightly less than an acre garden. Greeting guests are their garden ambassadors, 2 Golden Retrievers - Sazi and Yogi.

  • There is restricted handicapped parking. If needed, visitors may be dropped off at door and then park on the street
  • The walk up driveway is on a slight hill
  • Stairs to upper garden do not have hand rails
  • The lower garden is wheelchair accessible
  • Carpooling is recommended
  • FREE and for Society Members only. You must register to reserve your space
  • Directions are emailed in the registration confirmation message

Our Mission To inspire and educate the people of San Diego County to grow and enjoy plants, and to create beautiful, environmentally responsible gardens and landscapes.

Our Vision To champion regionally appropriate horticulture in San Diego County.


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