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  • 2015 Spring Garden Tour Volunteer

2015 Spring Garden Tour Volunteer

  • Sat, April 11, 2015
  • 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Neighborhoods near Balboa Park - Location to be assigned


  • Volunteer to assist the day of the garden tour
  • Volunteer to assist the day of the garden tour

Garden Tour Volunteer

The Spring Garden Tour is staffed by volunteers from the San Diego Horticultural Society, San Diego Floral Association, and local garden clubs and plant societies.  In exchange for assisting for half of the day (about 4.5 hours), volunteers receive free entry to the gardens on the day of the tour.

Use the Register button on the left to volunteer. Select from the available shifts when completing registration.

Some of the Volunteer Opportunities (Assignments are done by the volunteer coordinators and are at their discretion):

Tour Check-in
At Francis Parker Lower School (Randolph Street in Mission Hills) check-in location, check-in tour attendees, sell tickets, distribute maps and provide information about the tour.            

Garden Greeter
At the one of the gardens on the tour, check-in tour attendees, directed people through the garden, and provide information about the tour and the garden to which you are assigned.  This position requires standing in the garden for periods of up to one hour. You will also be provided information about the history of the garden and highlighted plants to share with tour attendees. Some knowledge of plants is helpful, but not required.       

Parking Assistant

At the one of the gardens, direct people to available parking in the neighborhood. Make sure that people park legally and safely.  Answer attendees questions.  This position requires standing for periods of up to one hour. 


Our Mission To inspire and educate the people of San Diego County to grow and enjoy plants, and to create beautiful, environmentally responsible gardens and landscapes.

Our Vision To champion regionally appropriate horticulture in San Diego County.


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